Spring is almost here in Europe, we already had some nice outdoor rides and worked a lot to finish the new Useeme Bicycle Turn Signals. Here's what we achieved since the last update.
- We got the final color, and the proper additive to create it, all from a local supplier. It's a deep orange, stylish and very visible at the same time.
- We received the new plastic molding forms and already made some tests. Luckily, there are only some small kinks to iron out, most of the work is done. And we like the new rounded flat design very much!
- Our new programmer is working on the programming of the microcontroller. Despite taking over the project not long ago, he tells us we could be ready in a couple of weeks. By the time he's ready, all other parts will be finished and we can finally produce the first batch.
- Box design and the users's manual are almost ready too. (Not that you'll really need much of a manual, the wristbands are completely automatic.)
More pictures of the new design will follow soon!