Why it's awesome

A lot of work went into Useeme Bike Turn Signals to make the final product awesome. Read about the most important features and order your pair today.

Simply automatic

Simply make a hand signal to start flashing, then put your hand back on the handle to stop flashing.

Watch the video to see how it works in action.

Safe on the streets

Safe on the streets

Useeme boosts your visibility and demands attention from others by turning your hand signals into flashing turn signals. 

It makes sure motorists and other cyclists take special care around you.

100% Automatic

100% Automatic

Useeme's motion sensor technology detects your hand signals. No switches, no distractions, it's fully automatic.

The wristbands start flashing when you make a hand signal and stop flashing when your hand is back on the handle. You cycle just like before, but much safer.

Smartly programmed

Smartly programmed

We put a lot of effort into programming Useeme and fine-tuned the hand signal detection algorithms. Your hand signals are always detected but the wristbands won't flash when you scratch your nose or reach down for the water bottle.

It works with all kinds of bikes and all types of handlebars, even after changing your grip.

Great battery life

Great battery life

Useeme wristbands are powered by state-of-the-art Lithium polymer batteries. A double-headed micro USB cable is included for charging, but you won't have to use it very often.

With average commuter usage (2 hours a day) you can go at least 2 weeks on a single charge.

Always visible

Always visible

Bright orange power LEDs emit rapid bursts of light to make sure your hand signals are always visible. The flashing is impossible to miss even in bright daylight.

The lights run around your wrist to make sure the flashing is visible to everyone around you.

Comfortable and flexible

Comfortable and flexible

The wristbands are easy to put on and flexible enough to fit all your clothes. Use them with gloves, fitness trackers, on your jacket, or your bare hands.

Microfibre padding inside makes them comfortable on bare hands. Comes in 2 sizes.

Weather proof

Weather proof

Some people only ride their bikes when the sun is out.

If you're not one of those people, you can still count on Useeme Bike Turn Signals. We built the wristbands to be very robust and withstand any weather.

Even when it's dark and rainy outside, your hand signals will be bright and shiny.

What people say

Get your pair now

A pair Useeme Bike Turn Signal wristbands on wood table

Order the most advanced (and fun) turn signal light for cyclists. Boost your visibility and make your city rides safer.

Select your size and add to cart.

59,99 €
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30 days money back guarantee

We built a great product and we're proud of it. You can try Useeme out risk-free.

If you don't like the wristbands, send them back within 30 days for a refund. No questions asked, we just send you back the money (excl. shipping costs).

Not convinced yet?

Read our page about why you should use Useeme Bike Turn Signals and how they will make your city rides safer.

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